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Access multi-presentations in a single form of Process Cloud.

   Introduction In this blog I will be explaining about accessing multi forms in a single form of PCS. Main Article Consider a scenario where there are multiple forms, and you want to access them or have them displayed in a step-by-step fashion. To achieve this, you need to drop train component from the Basic palate to the form you have created. Once you drop it follow the below steps: 1.         Fill the details as below 2.         Provide the form names in the option names and same in the values. 3.        Click on the events and choose On Change event.   4.         Design the condition as below, where a check would be performed on the flow.   In this case we are checking if the name of the flow is approve or not.    If the condition is met the page is going to get transferred to new form chosen. Click on OK   Go to the preview section. As you could see in below screen shot the default page is  details page .   Once I click on the approve button, a new form will get loaded.   Hope yo

Form beautification in Process Cloud Services (PCS)

  Using Custom CSS to make the form look cooler. Introduction In this blog I will be explaining about creating custom CSS to make the pcs form look better. Main Article In this post let’s make the form look more appealing. In the below screenshot as you can observe the initial form looks old school and doesn’t look much appealing. And the beautify options provided by the PCS by default are very basic. We can overcome this by having a custom CSS of our own and make the form look more appealing to the customer. Follow the below steps in order: 1.      Go to the form you have developed. 2.      Under form properties go to form properties 3.      Click on the upload 4.      Select the custom CSS file you had developed. 5.      The form gets change to below screen shot   As you could see we had changed added sample logos to the fields which is not possible by default and changed the background color as well.   The CSS code used above: input[name=items] {   width: 80%;   padding:

Wait for Synchronous Integration in OICS

   Introduction: Wait is the most common thing we use to slow down the process at any given point of time, but this wait action is by default disabled for synchronous integrations. Main Article: Create a JavaScript ( syncWait  let  ) with the below Code: function syncWait(waitTimeinmillisec) {   const begin =;   while (( - begin) < waitTimeinmillisec){   }   return waitTimeinmillisec; } now call this JavaScript in your synchronous Integration with the seconds you want to halt your integration * 1000. Call this JavaScript in places you need in your synchronous Integration. That's it you had overcome the synchronous Integration Limitation. Example: -Preetham Konjeti.

Implement While loop in XSLT of OICS

Introduction: In the XSLT mapper of OICS by default we don't have the while loop to implement, but there can be a situation where we need to implement while , when such situation shows up how to implement it? Main Article: In the above XML, the filename is static....say we need to populate the same field with 5 file names in a single shot in other words to bring dynamism to the Code we have to use loop. Lets do it using While loop. But in XSLT we don't have while loop by default, then how can we achieve this? Just like functions in any other languages we have a thing called 'Template' in XML. Using this we can achieve the while loop. 1) In the above code, match='/'  indicates the default template to be called , In this case the default templated calls the ' customWhile ' template which we had created with parameter 1 as the input. 2) Once the template is called in the very first step as check would be performed to check the input param falls in our desir

Easy Chatbot/Digital Assistant Creation and Integration into VBCS

  Introduction : In this blog I will be explaining about creating a chatbot and integrating with your VBCS application. Main Article: Chatbots are the coolest things that everyone would love to have in their application. Let’s start by building a basic chatbot which suggests you a place to visit in India based on your food preferences. STEP1 : ·        Go to the skills section of your digital assistant. ·        click on the Add Intent and rename it to ‘suggestPlaces’ and then go to utterances section of and provide your input. ·        Basically, utterances are the initial conversations that would be started by the humans in a chatbot. once you are done with providing your utterances. click on the train with ML at the top of the page and wait till it gets completed.   STEP2 : ·        Go to the entity section and create an entity (type: valuelist), basically this decides the entity/category to which the user input belongs to. ·        Create an entity with name food. ·  

Deploy all integrations to new environment with a single click using OIC


Backup Integrations of an Instance with a single click using OIC

  Introduction One common mistake that most of OICS developers make is not taking the backup of their integrations religiously and if they want to take backups clicking on the export of the integrations individually could be quite tedious. Main Article In this blog I will be explaining about automating the backup process in OICS. Below is the order of the steps that are to be followed: STEP:1 1) Configure a Rest trigger connection as shown below. Provide the below payload in the request section:     {   "IntegrationName”: "" } STEP:2   Configure the new rest connection as mentioned below. (This basically list downs all the integration details as per the provided name).   Provide the Query parameters as below:   Provide the response payload as below: {   "hasMore" : "false",   "items" : [ {     "id" : "",     "name" : "",     "lockedFlag" : &quo